Letters: November 2005

Written Correspondences from Good Natured Gentlemen Who Have Read Our Previous Installments and Wish to Comment on Some Aspects Thereof.

Dear Mr. Rosen,
Thank you for your kind message during this joyous holiday season. I am humbled and honored to lead a proud Nation. Through courage, compassion, and strength, Americans are demonstrating the character of our country.
As we celebrate, I encourage our citizens to give thanks for our blessings and to pray for our men and women in uniform and their families.
Laura and I send our best wishes for happy holidays with family and friends. May God bless you, and my God continue to bless America.
George W. Bush
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Axes & Alleys Cover Contest

You can pick the picture we use for our Springuly 2005 cover! Below you will find three pictures of the babeliciously slutty Lindsay Lohan. Whichever hot pic’ gets the most votes will be the one we use for our Springuly cover. One of our lucky readers who votes will even be given the opportunity to write a letter which may appear in that very same issue.

Pick your favorite pic’




or is it cover….


Once you’ve figured out which picture of Ms. Lohan you like best, just send in your vote to:

A&A Lindsay Lohan Contest
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Stay tuned for the results in upcoming issues.