Volume 456-BR7: Issue 11


Axes & Alleys: A Labor of Love


One of the Axes & Alleys interns came into our office the other day to talk about the core reasons for the existence of this magazine. It was an exciting discussion, based on morality tales extrapolated from ancient cave paintings and pictographs while referencing the seminal binding work of Peter Mackleby. It was an historic day in the Axes & Alleys offices as, to our knowledge, we’ve never hired an intern.

While some consider the contents of the magazine to be a bit lacking in the history department, we must point out the numerous years of its publication, encompassing vast tracts of the modern, post-modern and lacto-modern eras. Beyond that obviosity, the magazine has incorporated at least two articles based in part or in whole on the subject of history.

One in our August, 1953 issue was on the subject of southwest Polynesian economics and another in our June, 1986 issue mentioned history in its fourth paragraph. Axes & Alleys is clearly history, but it is also the essence of the Homo sapiens sapiens, and Homo florinensis spiritual journey through the trials of existence. We also feature some wonderful advertisers whom you might wish to patronize.

xxx ooo
D. Grunion


This Month’s Cover Girl
Sarah Polley,

star of stage, screen, and various
anti-globalization protests.

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