Fun with Words


You can rearrange the words in a phrase to spell new words. Perhaps this can reveal the truth about things. Who knows, lots of things are possible, even stupid things.

Dick Warren Armstrong
Be ware of war god, dude.

The United States of America
Where can we park, sir? My car eats.

San Francisco
Fun in fog sun

Cover the Marmalade in Zeppelins
Many put air ships on jam, a uncle rots

London, England
Long domination

World War Two
Lord, why win tower?

Wear your heart on your sleeve.
Show me my forgotten tomorrow

Axes and Alleys
Dean needs alleles


These fun phrases can be read forward and backwards. What fun you’ll have.

Aztec death means Spaniard yards grow hi-tech, dz.

Madam, there must be in the garden a loose madman.

A can, a tank, a lob the boy at a cantankerous canasta.

Forgive the parish priest, he said the purchased Parcheesi on the olive.

Wexans wait for the whitewash walls of taxaw.

Find the glove, Robert or the rowboat will turn, Ralf.

O! It rains folio!

Dennis and Otto sinned.

Birdman ate sparerib.

The Mustache Menace

A Harrowing Look at Mustaches


Across this world of ours a great many people have been taken in by the hypnotizing mustache menace. Little do they realize how dangerous mustaches can be. From the delicately queer handlebar of Salvador Dali, to the little brush muff of Charlie Chaplain, mustaches pose an ever greater threat to human kind each day.

We are quite familiar with the mustachioed villains of the past. Their pictures stand before us in books which feature pictures and as we stare at their horrid visages we cannot help but shudder at the mustachioed monstrosities before us.

There is a serious link between mustaches and evil. This fact cannot be disputed. With the help of special Theoretical Historio-Reconstructionists, we now present you with an alternate history of the world; the history of the world free from mustaches and their vileness. These famous mustachioed rogues have now been replaced by friendlier, clean-shaven versions.






Remember, the next time you see a man with a mustache run away, run quickly and don’t look back lest their facial hair consume you with its wickedness.

Scooter Memories Part II

by Jeremy-Joseph Rosen
jeremy rosen
Jeremy-Joseph Rosen is an author, ingenue,
rabble-rouser and roust-a-bout.

When Scooter was a child, he was a collector, as most children have been throughout the span of human recollection. You probably collected something as a child; be it bottle caps, cards relating to baseball, insects of various genera and species, building block sets mixed up in large bags, coins or stamps actually collected by numismatic or philatelic grandparents, recorded works of music, toy train sets (though this may be considered its own hobby), stuffed animals, comic books or rocks.
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