Our Guide to Novenclature: Part III

Newly Formulated Words to Describe the Previously Indescribable

Illuminated Novenclature

Misingenious (n): One who, by accident, routinely tells lies to the wrong person.

Sibrate (v. regular): The act of emitting a hissing sound through the lips in a failed attempt at whistling.

Visent (n): A blank, or unemotional, expression used in the playing of poker.

Rotacussion (n): A drum beat which resembles the sound of a motor or engine, specifically that of a rotary wing aircraft.

Chimley (adj.): Pertaining to or resembling an old, battered, useless kite.

Lunution (n): The exact month within which a republic or democracy is transformed into an empire via the actions of a powerful individual politician.

Tyle (v. regular): To urinate while sitting down.

Gathe (n): The smell of burnt hair. Gæthic (adj.): That which has a smell resembling burnt hair.

Senthadure (n): A basketball game wherein both competing teams’ scores require the use of a three digit number to be tallied.

Anicathate (v. he anithates, she anithates, they anithate / he anithated, she anithated, they anicathed / he anican, she anicana, they will anicathatia): The act of a Vice Admiral opening a car door for a Rear Admiral on a Tuesday afternoon.

Bant (n): An accumulation of bottle caps in a trash receptacle.

Thereout (prep.): Used to distinguish an object which is near two conversers and an object which is more distance from the two observers.

Sogria (n): The warm burning sensation which accompanies and immediately follows the consumption of intoxicating liquors.

Tympasogria (n): The similar sensation manifested in the blood vessels and tissues of the outer ear.

Litholeazation (n): The slowly dawning realization that an object one believed was a rock is actually a dirt clod.

Orlumate (v. regular): The act of placing one’s mouth around the end of a flashlight in order to allow the light to create an orange glow while passing through the translucent flesh of the cheeks.

Wrist (v. regular): To mutter a non-sensible phrase to oneself while in deep thought, or while ruminating on a subject or memory of great personal importance.

Dubniumesque (adj.): Pertaining to, related to, or identified with atomic element number 105.

Carusiohnipistle (n): A correspondence which is written in order to terminate a romantic relationship.

Oot (v. regular): The act of grasping another person’s leg, thigh or knee as a sign of sexual attraction.

Aldarss (n): An exclamation uttered while watching a Zeppelin burst into flames.

Coulromal (n): A sad or clinically depressed clown.

Jaep (v. regular): The act of reading a collection of new words off of a website.

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Our Guide to Novenclature: Part II

Newly Formulated Words to Describe the Previously Indescribable

Illuminated Novenclature

Exosouperous (Adj): That which has the quality or condition of not being soup, or that which falls into the set of all things in existence which are not soup.

Pentalupe (N): A grouping of wolves wherein the number of individual members is divisible by five.

Obsomnapillate (V: regular): To place a pillow over one’s head whilst sleeping.

Caliseptant (N): A person participating in the traditional American “7th Inning Stretch” during a game of baseball.

Revuluminter (V: regular): To screw in a light bulb.

Manipulatrouve(V: regular): To search frantically for a tool whilst in the midst of a repair project.

Ovofactorous (Adj): Something that smells of eggs.

Ubcasexsolartiensive (Adj): A person or creature which is waiting on a rooftop for a sunrise which will never come.

Disavioptic (N): One who is unable to extinguish between distant birds and enemy aircraft.

Malunibrew (Adj): A person, object or scene otherwise beautiful but for one bad feature.

Kerut (N): The last sound let out by a dying parrot.

Sumrapan(N): A trade-marked product name which has become so well known that the public begin to use it to describe all related products regardless of their trade-marked name, such as Styrofoam, Coke, Zipper, or Q-Tip.

Hellosh (N): A precipitation consisting of a stinging mixture of snow, rain and ice.

Animae (N): Animated film featuring a cast of anthropomorphic animals.

Catachristical (Adj): Any circumstance wherein a Jew and a Muslim give each other a Christmas related greeting or well-wishing.

Transalabaminate (V: regular): To pass through the State of Alabama by traveling from one bordering state to another.

Punctuarium (N): A chamber within a home used particularly for the storing of three-holed punches or reserved for the activity of using a three-holed punch.

Chenopodivite (N): One who subsists entirely on beets.

Autoparlimate (V: regular): To walk about in a public area engaging in a cellular phone conversation with another individual while wearing an earpiece, thus giving the appearance of talking to one’s self.

Biest (N): The act of leaving a party or other function for the purpose of retrieving more beer from a store.

Misericopull (N): A sexual act based more in the feeling of pity than in a genuine attraction.

Our Guide to Novenclature: Part I

Illuminated Novenclature

radgerbadger, alt. radgerbadgery: (N): a continuous and boisterous bustle.

novenclature: (N) a collection of new or novel words.

centraenious: (adj.) of or about, pertaining to the meaning of life.

infaction: (N) the act or state of being the first to accomplish an insignificant task or deed.

infact: (V) to accomplish a task of a minor nature in the primal fashion within a particularly defined set.

Conjugation: I did infaect. I am infacta. I will infact. He infaect. He is infacto. He will infact. They infaect. They are infaecti. The will infact.

deulapainry: (N) of, about, or pertaining to sandwiches.

Xenosprimt: (N) An unknowable and uninvolved, mathematically minded creator of a cosmos, who takes no personal interest in the lives or feelings of the sentient beings or other entities which inhabit said cosmos. The “God” spoken of by a person who upholds the Deist philosophy.

parapheme: (V; reg.) the act of uttering a blasphemous expletive, the antecedent of which is rooted in a religion which the utterer does not follow.

bellamure: (V; reg.) the act of punching a hole through a wall.

bellamurequence: (N) a hole which has been punched through a wall.

crattera: (N) the sound of hot water running through radiator pipes in the early hours of the morning in an otherwise still abode.

enimachic: (adj.) having a speech pattern which resembles the sound of a locomotive engine.

chronocator: (N) one who must, by compulsatory motivation, continually check the time.

sonuate: (N) the sound resulting from the opening of a carbonated beverage.

palloralate: (V; reg.) to purse one’s lips whilst reading.

glutambulate: (V; reg.) to arrange one’s gluttal area so as to emit flatulence inconspicuously.

elapquipitory: (adj.) in the manner of baseless choosiness between two or more similar beverages.

flumpor: (N) the sound of smoking a cigarette.

flumpar: (V) to make obvious sounds while smoking a cigarette.
Conjugation: I flumparr. I am flump. I will flumpar. He flumparr. He is flump. He will flumpar. They flumparri. They are flumper. They will flumpar.

orninathix: (N) a specious or inane debate.

labeola: (V; reg.) the licking of a nipple in a sexual fashion.

aureolate: (V; reg.) the licking of a nipple in a non-sexual fashion.

macrofactor: (N) a person working in a menial capacity who attributes undue importance to themselves.

exoburban: (adj.) the portion of a territory on the periphery between urban and suburban, or between suburban and rural areas.

prophemism: (N) an expletive meaning exactly what it says. The antonym of euphemism.

aroundtothrough: (prep.) indicating a going around, to, and through something in a linear fashion.

capracious: (adj.) in a goatlike manner.

shoe: (V; reg.) to stick a finger in one’s own eye and scream.

sonambumate: (V; reg.) to fornicate while sleepwalking.

vestitry: (N) that which is related to the manufacture of vests or vest related material.

morpheavoiture: (N) a car which appears in a dream.

cannisaleatorornamentum: (N) a picture of dogs playing poker.