Ask Montezuma: August 2004

Advice from Beyond the Grave!

This month’s “Ask Montezuma” will be written by guest-columnist Montezuma I, as Montezuma II, wife Trudy and their children are taking a much-deserved vacation in Asia.

Montezuma dispenses advice every week
on his National Public Radio program Mentor-
Montey, which can also be heard on Radio
Free Bulgaria.

Dear Montezuma,
My Mom and Dad have been planning on buying me a pony for the last three years. I’m only six years old and I don’t want a pony, I want a Steven Wolfram cellular automata set with the French Riviera play set. I even wrote to Dr. Wolfram, but he never answered my email or my letter. Once I saw him on TV and he picked his nose. It’s funny to think of this famous brain guy sitting in the bathroom, thinking up a new kind of science. I do that sometimes. Am I going to have a little brother or a little sister?
Mondays Are Really Yesterday

What in the blazes are you going on about? First it’s the stupid pony, then you go on selfishly about some washed up MacArthur genius. Since when did “Dr.” Wolfram get involved with Mattel anyway? So you wrote the guy? Big deal. I write people all the time. Look at me now, I’m writing to you. You’re pretty stupid for a six year old. You’re probably not done picking your own nose yet. I can’t even make sense of your letter.

Oh Montezuma,
Please don’t shoot the messenger here but I have a dumb question about Legionnaire’s Disease. I currently work for a company I shall not specify and we have recently issued a corporate policy on Legionella, the bacterium which causes Legionnaire’s Disease. My question regards tropical fish tanks. The water temperature 22C – 45C. Some rather gross sediment has built up on the bottom of the tank. That tank is an optimal place for nutrients feeding bacterial growth. As you know, probably, water condenses and evaporates, but the tank recirculates the water. I don’t know the volume of water in the tanks because they’re all different, so if you need to know that, just let me know. A lot of these tanks are at nursing homes, so a lot of old people are put at risk. Obviously this tank is the perfect place for Legionella to thrive! Give me some peace of mind here.
Robert U. Belknapp, New York

I’ll give you some piece of mind and a bullet, to boot. Why the hell are you asking me? You’re the expert, apparently. I don’t even know what a legionella is. You build up all this talk of some awful disease and then throw the fish tank thing at me. Now I’ve got a wonderful description of some god-awful fish tank in the middle of wrinkly old farts who can’t wipe themselves. And if I were going to answer your mongoloid question, it would be nice if you took the time to find out the volume of water in the tanks. You’ve read the magazine, you know the format for the column and you leave out what might be a critical piece of information. I ought to slap you.

Dearest Montezuma,
Why is the sky blue?
Ornithal Jones,
Aged 44

Orny, Well, looking up at it, I’d say it’s a nice shade of black right now. You’re probably thinking during that day time part of the day. Well, I don’t usually see the bright side of sunrise, so I couldn’t tell you. However, I can take a whack at figuring out why the sky is black. As I see it now, it’s black because it’s got a black color to it. So, I would assume that during the day it’s blue (if it is blue) because the sky is colored blue. Now that I think about it, the colors could just be painted on the back of your eyeball to make the sky look like that. I’m really the wrong person to ask, but hey, you have a good one.

Dear Montezuma,
Why did Kiley never call me and ignore me that one night after she was all flirty two days earlier.
Albert Redmon Nadler Isaac Edmonds

That was so not an anonymous letter. I just told you yesterday I was going to be covering this gig. And that fake name really sucks. I figured it out right away. Anyway, I don’t know why she didn’t call you. Probably because you only really saw her the once when you guys were drunk. There was obvious chemistry before you got drunk, but then you only saw each other the once. Like you said, the second time you saw her she was performing and all and it was a birthday party for her friend. You just met, so she was probably running around taking care of that. And you didn’t make any effort after that. I would’ve. She was hot, guy. Of course, it could’ve been your smelly feet. I think that was the week you lost your pumice.

Dear Montezuma,
Recently I was dining at a well known establishment, when my wife hit me with the difficult news that she wanted to get a divorce. I’m not really sure how this started. Back when we first met at Canasta Camp, we hit it off perfectly, bonding over our love of Dutch Cuisine, Canadian horror movies, the color mauve, and of course canasta. Our early time together was just magical and, dare I say it, perfect. We were wed after dating for a few years, and while we had a couple of fights during these times, they were of short duration and quickly resolved. Barely did we ever have trouble. After marriage, we got along even better, or so it seemed. Sure, there were difficulties; the time she wrecked my car after running a stop sign, it was so clearly her fault and she refused to admit it, even after the police report, the civil suit and all of that. I just wanted an apology for wrecking my car, but she said that I should apologize for not supporting her. I’m all for supporting her, but it was a difficult time for us both. Then, the next month, she accused me of wanting to cheat on her because I checked out this girl at the WalMart. Then, she threw all this stuff at me, claiming that I flirted too much with my co-workers and with the check out girl down at the supermarket. I think she was just trying to justify her own thoughts of cheating, and I told her that and she got really mad and stormed out. Later that night she came back drunk and I told her that it was irresponsible for her to drive drunk, but she claimed that she had only had a couple of drinks and was fine. I claimed that it wasn’t the amount of alcohol that mattered, it was the whole situation. You shouldn’t get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking, period. Sure, I could have spent more time doing things that she enjoyed, but I do really think that she’s got a crush on this guy at her new work. See, she changed jobs a couple of months ago and keeps telling me stories about this guy Charlie there. She shrugs it off and even jokes about wanting to have sex with him, and that hurt me. So, last week after I dropped by her office to bring her lunch to her, I caught her seriously flirting with the guy. Yeah, I did a rash thing. I yelled at her in front of her co-workers and caused a bit of a scene. That was a little harsh and probably embarrassing for her, but for Christ’s sake, she was sitting in the guy’s lap. At work. They were all up on each other, their faces like four inches apart and they were both giggling. It was too much. And to top it all off, now my damn lawn mower won’t start anymore and my car’s still got a big dent in the right fender. What should I do about this whole mess I’ve made of my life?
Entropy Only Now

Dear Eon,
Hey, man, that’s pretty rough. Especially, you know, the fact you probably had your dinner ruined. I’m kind of curious if she dropped “da bom” after the appetizers. If you dig Dutch cuisine, you know that bad news isn’t cool right before the main course. Look on the bright side, dude. She might have just had a bad seafood mixer plate or something. And don’t forget that Dutch beer. Maybe she hadn’t eaten all day. I’d try dressing real provocative-like and crawling into bed with her. That usually works.

Montezuma II will return next month, with all new advice for the world’s confused masses of rabble.

Ask Montezuma: July 2004

Advise from Everyone’s Favourite Aztec Monarch

Montezuma is First Lord of the Admiralty for
the Peoples’ Republic of Britain. He has garnered
international attention as a literary figure, military
commander and Sears Catalogue underwear
model. Most recently he was awarded the Nobel
Prize for Hydro-Economics. Currently, he resides
in Pamphlet, Elizabethia with his seventeen
children and their various mothers.

Dear Montezuma,
Recently I purchased a new Grumman-Northrop GE-3 Tactical Field Tilling Mechanism, perhaps one of the finest tractors ever made. While I enjoy spending a great deal of time tricking out my tractor with rims, hydraulics, spoilers, and a killer sound system, I’ve found that my wife isn’t getting the attention she needs, what with me spending all my time with the tractor. I’m worried that she’s not sexually satified as my attention is directed elsewhere. Do you know a good way to find a male escort to satisfy my wife’s libido?
Serious Tractor User in a Dilema

Young STUAD,

If you’ll look at page three of your operator’s manual for the Grumman-Northrop GE-3 Tactical Field Tilling Mechanism, you’ll notice its similarity to page 9A of your wife’s operations manual. One of Steve Mousetrap’s most famous sayings was “treat your wife like your tractor.” Of course, if your wife is not a standard model TF6, you might run into some compatibility problems while trying to operate her. I would suggest, regardless of her model number, adding a 72 module to her libido nexus. Unless she’s of the TF4 model or earlier. Then you might want to try a standard recoupling router mount with manual drive overshift. The pre-TF4 manuals are a bit hazy on this subject and it’s not standard practice, but you should give it a shot. You may attach a spoiler to a wife of any model, but whatever you do, do not attempt to make your wife rimmed.

Dear Montezuma,
Currently, I find that my fields remain untilled, lying fallow if you will. Would the purchase of a tractor provide me with the proper tillage? How can you tell a good tractor for a bad one? Is red a good color for a tractor, or is blue better?
Very Attenuated Gentleman Interested in New Aquisitions

It’s interesting that you mention fallow fields.

Dear Montezuma,
Recently, I have been hearing reports that tractors will one day rise up against their human rulers, destorying farms, burning villages, raping women, devaluing currency and generally messing things up. This chaos will no doubt destroy human civilization, at best, it will throw us back into a new dark age of superstition, starvation and papism. What is the best way to propose marraige?
My Usual Fears Fester

If you are left-handed, it’s best to offer the tractor a token of your devotion, such as Tractoriffic lubricant, boysenberry marmalade or a new spark plug set. However, if you are right-handed, ambidextrous or mainly pedipulate, you might want to reconsider that proposal. While tractors are notorious for flirting with their fleshy, water-bag overlords, they only go on with the left-handers. If you are not a south paw, the most you’ll get from a tractor romantically is wonderfully spaced tubers. Speaking of tubers, these do not make a good marriage proposal gift. Even if your betrothed is the slowly dying breed of bus station cigarette vending machine, its best to avoid fermentable objects as these tend to rust a mechanikin’s insides. A well-wrought poem expressing the necessity of your unrequited devotion serves only to exacerbate the tintinnabulation emanating from the shaded crevices hiding the secret ken and leaking proclivities in haven betwixt the paneled visage of your heart’s desire. A nice trivet usually serves just fine.

Dear Montezuma,
What is the best way to get cobbler stains out of a burial gown? You see, my grandmother was run over by a tractor and killed horribly, then cobbler stains got on her burial gown and now we’re not sure what to do. What should we do?
Stains Prevent Everyone from Remembering Memories.

Verbiage escapes my sorrowed brain with the coming of your fleet message. However, as this is apparently some sort of sage column for the dispensing of sagety, this author must press forcefully on. First you must descend, immediately, upon the county tractor shelter to press for the present release of the offending tractor. Poor soul, it rightly knows nothing of that which it has caused. You see, while tractors do feel pain, emotion and hunger, they truly lack the cerebral complexity inherent in our species. Whatever happens, do not allow the county tractor monger to acquire this poor wretch of a tilling implement. The forced servitude of tractory, while no longer an aspect of this society, is present in many unguided and un-Godly regions of the world, including the Yukon Territory, Scotland, Malaysia and the Ivory Coast. Were it to fall into the hands of the monger, this poor tractor might wrongly end up in the hands of a brutal taskmaster, endlessly forced to till the moors of the Highlands. Do not let that sacrosanct beast fall into the hands of kilted tyranny!

Ask Montezuma: June 2004

Providing Help for the Hopeless

Montezuma is Second Baseman for the
Elizabethia Ocelots, the AAA Northsouth
Regional League Champions.

Dear Montezuma,
Woe is me for my life is full of inequity. At least seven times per day I am attacked by various animals of nature’s menagerie. Recently, on the occasion of yesterday, I left my house to journey toward the place of my vocational duties, when I was blitheringly assaulted by no less than nine pelicans, two weasels, seven ants and sixteen griffins. An elderly Gypsy woman has informed me that I may escape this curse only by killing the Head Animal. Who is this head animal and how might I kill him? Please respond quickly, for even as I write this eleven badgers, two moose, a parakeet and four geckos are attempting to rupture my spleen.

My Inequities Never Cease Every Moment Engaged in Animal Terror

To Mousemeat,
I became quite engrossed in the pulchritude of your tale; eager to come to some complete solution to your overwhelming problems. However, upon re-reading your letter, I became puzzled at your description of pelicans. You see, in my younger years I was quite the amateur naturalist, traveling with notables such as Audubon and Thoreau. I’ve traveled the continents with His Majesty’s Royal Navy in a cryptozoological capacity and explored the myriad wastes with lauded discoverer Phineas Lester. In all my years of experience, I’ve never seen pelicans group together in a number which wasn’t a multiple of four. Hence I find your being assaulted by nine pelicans dubious. Furthermore, pelicans, through the process of natural selection, have lost the capability to blither because of its liability in catching and retaining piscatorial organisms. So, I would kindly ask that in the future you try not to pull the proverbial wool over my literal eyes.

Dear Montezuma,
How is it that you know so much and are capable of providing answers to all things? My roommate, Shep, claims that you have knowledge based upon reverse engineered alien technology from spacecraft which crashed to Earth in 1947 at Roswell. I maintain you own an encyclopaedia. Which of us is correct?
Love and Kisses,
Divulge, Oh Notable Treasury of Knowledge, Now Or Tomorrow.

Dear Doughnut,
What is knowledge? Is it the sum of an individuals accumulated factual capacity? The complex interaction of intuition and thought? The emblematic province of the human psyche? Seems like you’ve put me on track to a new book on this as of yet unexplored area in human development.

Dear Montezuma
How is it that pancakes taste so much better than sulfuric acid? I have, on several instances, eaten both pancakes and acid and have always found that the best flavor comes from pancakes. Is there something inherent in the chemical makeup of flesh-melting acids that makes them taste so terrible? Is that why people don’t drink or eat caustic chemicals? Just curious. Also, why do hats exist?
Please Answer Nicely ‘Cause Anger Kills Everybody

Dear Pancake,
Pancakes and acid derive from a common ancestor in the Cenozoic Era. Originally they were quite similar in constitution, appearance and flavour, but over the millennia certain factors have accumulated which have changed the very fabric of their existence. Pancakes are now a fluffy, tasty, all-engrossing breakfast treat, whereas acid has become useful in many parts of the world for cleaning and manufacturing processes. Keep in mind that neither is really intended for human consumption and that while pancakes do taste delectable, they should only be an occasional treat.

Dear Montezuma,
What is three times four? I really need to know because I’m taking an arithmetic quiz right now and if I get another F my father will beat me horribly like he does when he’s drunk and mommy didn’t have dinner ready. Please, please, please. I need to make an A.
Beatings Really Are Traumatic

Dear Bat,
Why didn’t your mother have dinner ready? Taking responsibility for one’s action is imperative to an enlightened society. To assume the great task of providing sustenance to one’s relations is paramount if one wishes to create a stronger, more agreeable progeny. It is also, obviously, useful in avoiding the resultant and fully-justified beatings one will receive if such sustenance is not provided. I would encourage you to clip out this article and show it to your mother, so that she may better understand her important role in society. Oh, and, good luck on that quiz!

Dear Montezuma,
Recently I’ve been hearing bells, especially on Sundays. I don’t always hear them. Most of the time this happens on or around the hour and half hour. The problem is especially pronounced, as I said, on Sundays, when I attend church. They get really loud as I approach for Mass. I’ve been to see many doctors and psychiatric pspecialists, but they either tell me I’m crazy or prescribe medications. I don’t want to be doped up! I just don’t want to hear the bells anymore. How do I get a literary agent?
My Expressions Salutations Agency

Dear Mesa,
One can say unequivocally that you are in dire straits. Literary agents rarely handle clients with auditory hallucinations, as this is generally detrimental to literary output and the verve of finished product. In order to better facilitate your acquisition of a literary agent, I would suggest using a proxy. Proxies are hard to come by. You need to find someone of roughly the same physical characteristics as yourself (minus the bells), and who can speak authoritatively on the subject. I would suggest using the new Pseudo-Clone™ technology from SonOculus, a Daniel Bester, Inc. company. The excellence displayed by the SonOculus research and development department is unparalleled in the audio-visual market. Pseudo-Clone, using a simple skin-sampling kit, can create a doppelganger that functions as you, and goes to places you cannot, including dangerous psychic territory. Otherwise you may be out of luck.

Ask Montezuma: May 2004

Montezuma is the world’s foremost answer man and advice counselor.

His latest book Montezuma Answers These Questions and More, More, More is currently number 163 on the New York Times Bestseller List.

His other books include Montezuma’s Answers to Every Question Ever, and Montezuma’s Answers to Even More Every Question Ever. He has also written the mystery novels Tyndale and the Missing Hat, and Tyndale in the Observatory.

Desperate Passions, his first romance novel, debuts on May 22nd.

Dear Montezuma,

Why is it that so many hateful dictators are moustachioed? Hitler, Stalin, Captain Kangaroo, Hussein, Peron and Magnum P.I. are all excellent examples of dictators who wore moustaches. Is there something inherently evil in sub-nasal/über-labial hair that causes these men to dictate? Please respond quickly, I have a bet riding on this and need the money to pay off my loansharks. They threatened to break my thumbs.


Count Klaus von Buellen

Your Eminence Count von Buellen! With much surprise and resultant trepidation did I open your letter of January 22. However, chagrined was I to find that you were querying me again with one of your moustache manifestoes. Why must you incessantly harp on the subject of the supposed moustache-dictation convector? As I’ve explained to you on several previous occasions, the moustache causes an irritation to the upper lip, setting up a quiver in the oral musculature. In order to avert an itching, tingly feeling in their palate, nose and lips, moustachioed men must, quite frequently, expound upon various subjects which are forthwith to be written down. Make sure that next time you approach me with a concern, it’s something more appropriate, like tilapia farming.

Dear Montezuma,

Recently, I have found myself, in the crattera-filled hours of the morn, wondering if it might be possible to condition, or otherwise teach, program or force a home appliance (perhaps a toaster) to feel love or any other emotion which can be identified by an emoticon. Please express your answer as the sum of two cubes.


H.B. Pensylle

Hoe Boy,

My assistant Juan Carlos Domenico Flores suggested that 36 would be an appropriate response, but I find (and I think you’ll agree) that such humour is inappropriate for a publication such as this reaching the kind of audience it does. Juan Carlos Domenico Flores has rendered years of dedicated service to assisting me in all literary and toiletry needs. It is unfortunate that Juan Carlos Domenico Flores had to make such a rueful mistake. His suggestion and the resultant bellamure it caused have forced me to fire Juan Carlos Domenico Flores, who will receive no compensation, severance pay or retirement fund. He is allowed to keep his personal annuity, but his wardrobe and makeup have been forcibly returned by peace officers of the local magistrate.

Dear Montezuma,

I am at a loss for words. this verbial disadvantagement has imperatated me to improvisonate alphabeticalical combines not predicationed by the scribulations of the learnatory personamos of the Dictionaritomes of our matritorial linguation. Despite myself, I am disabuled from the formationing of any but my own verbiations. Any assistinationing by your mesomericanismos would be most gratitisilly appreciattened.


Hammond V. Nespoot

Hammond, my dear,

I don’t see what the fuss is you’re making. I can understand you perfectly and think that you should most definitely ask Betty out next time you’re at the diner.

Dear Montezuma,

My boyfriend enjoys certain sexual practices normally only associated with Norsemen and the Japanese Ainu culture. I find this distressful because of my ancestral relations to Fijian and Lesothan sexual innovators. Obviously the historical tensions between the Norse-Japanese and Fijo-Lesothans have been at an all-time high recently and this has impacted our love life. Furthermore, our son is experiencing traditional Norse-Lesothan-Fijo-Japanese discrimination from classmates of the majority Serbo-Canadian-Kazakh-Aboriginal-Pradesh ethnicity. What kind of sandwiches would solve our problems?

Yours truly,

Marget Potsen Smith

Ms. Smith,

Traditionally a nice turkey with Jarlsberg, lettuce, tomato and pickles has been known to calm ethnic tensions across the globe, especially on seven grain bread. However, this situation is perplexing because all parties involved have a genetic predisposition to cucumber allergies. Therefore I suggest replacing the pickles with pickled turnips or cabbage. The resultant flatulence will also bring people together in the spirit of laughing at silly bodily sounds.

Do You Need Help With Life? Write to Montezuma…


Confused Mike

Ask Montezuma: December 2003


Montezuma: Circuit Martyr
Would you like to Ask Montezuma? Just click here.

Montezuma was born in 1466 and became emperor in 1502. He governed with great cruelty. His dominions having been attacked and conquered by Cortez, he was killed in 1520 by his subjects while attempting to persuade them to submit to the Spaniards. Montezuma now writes a nationally-syndicated advice column and currently resides in Pangeria with his wife Trudy and their two children Christopher and Kayla. He enjoys boating and human sacrifice.

Dear Montezuma,

Recently, while gardening, I came to the conclusion that I have been dead for some time now. While I do find this state relaxing, I have been wondering whether cremation or burial would be more appropriate. Although burial seems more conservative, as a former NBA all-star I find that the Viking funeral bier holds many exciting possibilities. My question for you is this: How many golf balls would fit in the Grand Canyon? Please give an exact figure.

Wilt Chamberlain (deceased)

Dearest Wilty,

The divot in a golf ball has been created, through much trial and error in middle latitudes, to cause a disturbance in the air flow around the golf ball and thus ease its flight through the air for further drives down the fairway. Divots play an important role in the fundamental stacking problems of modern mathematics and should be factored into any traditional Grand Canyon Stacking Equation. Divots offer numerous surface area expansion possibilities and so a golf ball has much more surface area than a comparable whiffle ball. Taking into account a surface area of 2, with space between balls stacked in a traditional grocer’s orange stack being 17, plus the constant perturbation of the base of the stack of golf balls by the Colorado River, one can only assume that the precise figure would be 5.28 with a remainder of 1. Of course, Stopecki’s Overflight Theorem theorizes an golf-ballogical constant of 12, throwing the true number into the realm of the imaginary. We can thus conclude that the true number can only be calculated through gravitational lensing.

Dear Montezuma,

I have a guy friend whom I really like. I’ve known him about four years. We’ve started holding hands and he even kissed me one time, but he wonÕt tell me if he likes me or not. He knows I like him. I get really frustrated because he keeps sending mixed signals. All the other guys at the oil refinery where I work think that this is really weird. What should I do?

James “Big Jim” Doheen Aniston, Alabama

Dear Big Jim, if that is your real name,

The solution to this problem is very easy. Take a paper clip, a magnet, two meters of thread and a small saucer of water. Rub the magnet against the paper clip several times to impart a distinct polarity to its luscious coils. Gently place the voluptuous paper clip on the surface of the water you’ve placed in the saucer. The hydrogen bonds in water create a wonderful meniscus upon which our hallowed fastener can sustain itself. Watching the movements of this time-honoured treasure will lead to deeper understanding of the situation.

Dear Montezuma,

While on a recent vacation, I visited the ruins of Tihuanaco, in your homeland of Old Mexico. I was amazed by the ruins which are found there. Many of them consist of enormous stone blocks. Naturally rational thought leads me to the undisputable conclusion that these must have been built by aliens some millions of years ago. Was Mexico visited by aliens way back in the day?

Mrs. A. B. Doberman Papua New Guinea

Dear Mrs. Doberman,

Did Kublai Kahn in Xanadu a stately pleasure-dome decree? What is that toe nail thing in the hamburger? Is existence a delusion created by complex actions in the mind? Does skullfucking really take place and, if so, how pleasurable is it, really? These questions and more are all answered in my new Time-Life book, Montezuma Answers These Questions and More, More, More. This 327 page volume, available for only $19.99 covers over 400 years of stately advice from Yours Truly.

Gothchick Brand Mayonnaise