Vol. 456-BR6 Issue 18

Issue 18 featurs such exciting things as buckets, teddy bears, cooking recipes, and even helpful hints for protesters.

A Message from the Publisher

Dear Reader,

Here at the Royal Tractor Repair and Maintenance Society of Outer Mongolia, we have always striven to bring you the very best in tractor repair and maintenance related information. I’m sure you are well aware of this, of course.

This issue, however, is of utmost import; for you see, gentle reader, this is our centennial issue. This journal was begun in the year 1903, back in the time when life was simple and folks were God-fearing and dared not speak of things unspeakable.

A lot has changed in the past one hundred years. Mankind has conquered the air, set food upon the surface of the Moon, invented Silly Putty™ and calculated pi (π) to the quadrillionth decimal. Yet despite these changes we still remain, irrevocably, human. We still fear clowns and spiders, still get hit in the head when we step upon the non-manipulatory section of a rake, and still harbor a deep hatred of brown-skinned peoples.

So, my dear readers, when you partake of this particular issue remember, if you will, that in the past century we have learned much, forgotten more and have had a few things just on the tip of our collective tongues. May God bless and may the next five scores provide as much excitement, terror and joy as the past ten decades have.

Sir Lionel Buxton Humbridge

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