Axes & Alleys:
Winners of the Waukeegan Clambake!
As you’ve no doubt been aware since grade school, February is National Grapefruit Month. What you may not know is that every day in the Axes & Alleys offices begins with a grapefruit and prayer breakfast. DJ Trickyfingers from the Creative Department is in charge of procuring and preparing the grapefruit, and he does such a good job.
We then sit around the table, each with a half of grapefruit, and sprinkle Sweet & Low on top. It leaves such a wonderful aftertaste. You wouldn’t believe it unless you tried it. We each have our own way of eating the grapefruit. Angus Lopez, our office manager, takes the simple route by mashing the grapefruit directly into his face. It’s messy, but it gets the job done.
Finally we all stand up and hold hands for our daily prayer, led by photographer Bernard Roosten. He usually keeps it brief, although one time he recited a prayer for over a half hour in which he gave thanks for each pair of shoes he’d ever owned.
So, this issue we offer our thankful prayers for the mild winter so that come summer, there will be plenty of juicy, delicious grapefruit for us to eat.
xxx ooo
Delores R. Grunion
Pentember Cover-Girl Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore is the first Axes & Alleys
cover-girl to ever give a member of the editorial
staff a high-five. Her name is an anagram of
“warm robe dryer.”
my girlfriend has a grape fruit plantation in their backyard and we always taste some of the harvest.:”,