The March of Progress: Maine 2006


With the introduction of Filaxal®, pharmaceutical giant NuLife hopes to cure boredom once and for all. Studies have shown that an estimated 98% of Americans suffer from Intermittent Deficient Excitement Syndrome (IDES). It is estimated that IDES greatly lowers quality of life and can be induced by such activities as work, school or Sunday afternoons. During IDES attacks people simply lose interest in life and their surroundings. Traditional, old-fashioned homeopathic treatments like board or video games, puzzles, television, eating, reading, sodomy or television can have little to no positive effect on IDES patients’ overall wellness outcomes. Filaxal® is able to utilize the unique chemical molecule tetrahydrocannabinol (C21H30O2 ) to “trick” the brain’s chemical receptors, allowing a sense of therapeutic entertainment to be experineced during even the most horridly mundane of activities. Cleaning out the garage or even visiting the grandparents can be made enjoyable with a single dose of Filaxal®. The NuLife Company spokesperson Albert stated in a faxed communiqué that “…Filaxal® is entertainment, Filaxal® is fun, Filaxal® will cure boredom forever.” Hopefully that will be the case. With the drug trials completed, Filaxal® is due to hit the U.S. consumer market just in time for summer break.

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