Moses Rides Again!
New Sixth Book of the Torah Found in Dead Sea!
Jewish and Christian scholars are in a tizzy now that archeologists have discovered the lost sixth book of the Torah, the final writings of the great Hebrew leader Moses. Known as Indexicus, the book was discovered in a newly found cave near the Dead Sea in Israel. It was found in a well-preserved pitcher.
Indexicus was translated by a team of scholars at the University of Tel Aviv, who announced their findings earlier this week. It is an amazing find, as no new books of the Torah have ever been found. For thousands of years, it has been assumed that the Torah was complete, but this new book sheds an amazing light on G-d’s impartation of the Law.
Specifically, Indexicus provides a catalogue of the important people, places, events, themes and commandments of the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers. It also provides a key as to where this information can be found within the Torah, even listing individual scrolls and lines.
“This is an amazing new find. Myself and my fellow Rabbis are all quite excited to begin studying Indexicus. While it’s sad that we’ve been missing this final book of the Torah for so long, it’s great to have finally found it. I can’t wait to read it and to begin interpreting it.” said Rabbi Jared Schmendelson of the Yeshiva Gran Tourismo.
Some Jewish scholars have questioned the validity of Indexicus, but they seem to be in the minority. The Southern Baptist Convention has already stated that they will begin placing Indexicus in all Bibles published after March 2007. Pope Fabulous II, of the Roman Catholic Church, declined to comment.
Either way, Indexicus, will provide the faithful with new insight into G-d’s plan for our world.