A Guide to Animals

H.G. Peterson Explores Everyone’s Favorite Taxonomic Kingdom.

H.G. Peterson is a renowned big-game hunter, explorer and arm-chair strategist. He is currently serving in the position of Arch-Bishop of Budapest.

“A Guide to Animals”

Animals are heterotrophic and composed of many cells
That are Eukaryotic with membranes and organelles

If you wish to describe animals, I offer one more suggestion
One must of course mention, they nourish by ingestion

Symmetry of body in all animals can be found
Bilateria has mirrored halves, while Radiata is just round

But Bilateral animals each have a head
A thing called cephalization, or so I have read

Phylum Cnideria, of which jelly fish form a part
Live much time as Medusas but are Polyps at the start

Phylum Ctenophora use cilia to move about
To gather up food on their sub-aquatic route

Phylum Platyhelminthes are worms which are flat
Like tapeworms that live in the gut of a rat

Phylum Rotifera provide many benefits
And reproduce by a thing called parthenogenesis

Phylum Nematoda are a rounded worm bunch
They’ll cause trichinosis and make you lose your lunch

Phylum Mollusca includes snails, oysters and squid
And other such things that a Kosher diet will forbid

Phylum Annelida are worms of the segmented type
And each of their segments resembles a stripe

Phylum Arthropoda’s a big group of armored things
Like lobsters, mites, ants and bees which have wings

Phylum Chordata’s animals all have a nerve cord
They are the most well known of all the animal hoard

Reptiles and Amphibians are two of this category
As are Mammals, Fish and Birds, and so ends our little story

If you need to know more, ask a scientist and he’ll mail ya’
Lots more information on Kingdom Animalia

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