News of the World: Gregor 2007


Evanston, EL– In a form letter sent to residents and business owners, the City Council formally announced its plan to hold a meeting to address citizens’ concerns over the proposed re-zoning plan for the area of North Street between West Main and Route 202. While the area in question has remained rural and undeveloped for decades, two large tracts of land have been sold to developers who hope to build a new housing sub-division and to the BestMart company who has plans to build a new BestMart Super Center near the intersection of North and Route 202. Currently, the area is zoned Light Commercial and Residential, but some community groups have protested, citing geological surveys suggesting that new developments could create runoff, possibly flooding Uchee and Neary Creeks during downpours.

Residents of the nearby Pine Woods and River Run sub-divisions have formed a lobby group, though they have yet to make any official statement about the City Council’s proposed meeting. Resident Maria O’Malley issued a statement on her blog, in which she stated ten major issues she had with the new rezoning plan, including increased automobile traffic and increased taxes to pay for new road maintenance. Other residents have stated that if the area is rezoned as Medium Commercial, it may affect their property values.

Prince County City Planner Raymond Jones, a twelve year veteran of Evanston civil service, had this to say “Evanston is growing and development can have both downsides and benefits. Of course we’re going to listen to all sides on this issue and make a decision that will work for residents as well as for commercial interests. I look forward to a productive meeting.” According to inside sources, speakers at the meeting may include Deputy Planner Elaine Meyers, Council Chairperson Willard Thomas, Residents Association President Marlene Kaplan-Hughes, and perhaps even Chamber of Commerce President Michael Mattingly, Jr. Plans for the meeting include the reading of the minutes, a pledge of allegiance to the flag, as well as a question-and-answer time which will allow private citizens to voice specific concerns or opinions.

Whichever course the Planning Office and the Council choose, all agree that this is an excellent example of community involvement in civic affairs and that perhaps such an amicable relationship will enable Evanston, and all of Prince County, Elizabethia, to grow and prosper in the coming years.


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