Letters: August 2004

Written correspondences from good natured gentlemen who have read our previous installments and wish to comment on some aspects thereof.

To The Esteeméd Editors,
In June’s issue (Vol. 456-br7, Issue 04), you carried an advertisement for H.B. Industrial Systems’ “Imagine” line of products. I am concerned that you might be misleading your readers by the inclusion of this marketing ploy. “Imagine Time,” one of the background lines of the image is a dangerous thing to say. You see, time is not part of the imagination, but a constant of our Universe (I’m not sure about other Universes, but they’re pretty much on their own lookout, aren’t they?). Do you realize the many lives that have been ruined by this capitalist plea? Doctor’s appointments missed, aeroplanes launched at the wrong moment, scientific timetables ruined and all experimental data void, leaving one at the cruel ignominy of peers and colleagues who ridicule at the university dining hall tables usually reserved for one, but now no seat is to be found as they laugh and laugh (this was my particular predicament). All because one sits comfortably, or stands, or lays awkwardly astride the couch “imagining time.” Keep such considerations in mind the next time Axes & Alleys is accepting advertising money.
Walton Shuffle, Ph.D

Dear Axes & Alleys,
Do you remember the time we lay in the grass, enjoying the interplay of light and shadow from tree and cloud? Do you remember how I gently opened you beneath the grand oak on the hill, stroking your luxuriant pages with my verdant eyes? I didn’t think so. However, in the future, remember this: the attentions of a scorned reader past come back ten fold in future retribution.
Yours truly,
Joe Lapinski, Ret.

Dear Ms. Grunion,
I would like to thank you for the wonderful History of Tractors article (Issue 24). That was perhaps the foremost writing of the subject I’ve seen in two years. I once had a tractor and would very much like to have one again, therefore the entire issue, returning to the Roots of Axes & Alleys was quite a boon for me when I saw it in the gutter last Thursday. Someday, I too will be a tractor pilot and I will have you to thank.
With Effulgence,

Dear Sirs,
We were always destined to see this sad day. Set aside the cost of victory and the anguish of defeat; we’re going to wind up with a renamed overpass everyone hates. Our town is more divided than ever over this issue, especially since the overpass cuts through the geographic center of town.
Overpasses have a way of not traveling the expected route. Not a one of us who desired to see our overpass renamed in honor of this city’s longest-serving alderman, Chet “Hoe Boy” Addison, is happy with the result.
Nor, I’m sure, are the proponents for the winning name, that in “honor” of God almighty. You see, I was traversing the overpass, when I noticed that all the signage upon, around and pointing to the overpass had it listed as the “Godd Overpass.” It seems there will ever be more conflict as it is now impossible to change the name.
William C. Stosine
Belfry Nave, IW

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
It bothers me that you continually ignore the Gods throughout this publication. To you, I suppose, it is all just science, facts, figures and bunson burners. Does science bring you the weather? Huh? No, it is Neptune. Does science strike you dead with lightning bolts? No, that’s Jupiter that does that. And who do you think brings us wine? Science? Think again, people. That would be Bacchus. Remember that from now on please.
Ajax Muhammad.

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