AXES & ALLEYS Presents

The official Manda and the Marbles UnAuthorized Biography Supplement


From the sandy shores of Ohio, there has, over the past few years, come a resounding cry of freedom, desperation and hunger (hunger for emotional comfort, not hunger for food). That cry is straight from the diaphram and vocal chords of one Manda Marble and her rag-tag group of misfits, vagabonds, and sound-pirates known by the simple yet powerful nomenclature of “The Marbles”


Although the members of the band came from humble backgrounds they have managed to throw a sonic assault at the world, bursting apart the foundations of complacency, laying waste to the concrete of boredom, and ransacking the rebar of normalcy. With only a guitar, bass, drums and a keyboard they have managed to redefine Western Civilization and have forced us all to review our very idea of a what a “band” can be.

So let us now take this journey, exploring backwards like Cortez with his head facing the wrong way, back into the past, to the beginning so that we can fully understand what the Marbles are, who they are, and how they have reshaped human kind….Let us perambulate through the ages of old, let us look into the sands of time and let us see where from these mythical Marbles came….

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