A Message from AgroFarm

AgroFarm Technologies LtD. is the world’s leading agricultural technology company. For over thirty years we have been instrumental in providing many of the new advances which have led to the “Third Age of Farming.”

AgroFarm was the first company to introduce the use of gamma radiation as an alternative to poisonous DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane) insecticides. We were also the first company to recognize the fact that sharks are rarely attacked by insects and utilize this information to begin a program of splicing nurse shark DNA with apple trees. This, of course, is only the first step into the future world of animal-plant genetic engineering which will bring abundant food to the world’s growing population in the form of AgroFarm engineered Planimals™.

AgroFarm’s innovations are not found only in the realm of genetic engineering or nuclear physics. AgroFarm utilizes all advanced technologies; such as our experiments in neuro-cybernetics which have enabled us to create the first tractors controlled by human slave brains. AgroFarm’s nanotechnology lab was also the first to develop true nano-tillers for microscopic farming (microculture).

AgroFarm is the future. Whether you’re planning orbiting hydroponics greenhouse satellites, subaquatic abyssal vent farms, or simply planting some tomatoes in your garden, you can be certain that AgroFarm scientists have invented a new and expensive product to help you in your endeavor.

AgroFarm hopes you enjoy our many thousands of innovative products; from simple things for the sustenance farmer like pneumatic hoes, biodegradable roto-tillers, irradiated seeds, and Haybestos® (the world’s only fire-proof hay) to state-of-the-art systems for major agricultural combines such as sub-orbital maser-focused harvesters, bovine cloning vats, and the highly profitable series of Designer-Animals® made from chicken, pig, cow or marmoset genomes.

Yes, without a doubt, AgroFarm is the future. Welcome aboard our Tractor of Progress™.

AgroFarm is a Daniel Bester Inc. Company

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